If you have an account that you created but it has a personal email address or the wrong email address on it, please follow these directions on how to change the email address on your account.
After logging in your account, you can click on the icon in the top right corner. Sometimes this is your name, or it is the icon as seen in the picture.
Clicking on the icon opens the drop-down menu and Account Setting is the option you need. It is the top choice on the list.
Once in the Account Settings menu, navigate down to the Email field and click on the edit button.
This will pop up a field where you can enter the correct email address and then click on Save Changes.
You will then receive an email at that new email address asking you to confirm the email address you have entered. Click on the link in the email and you’re all set!
Disable Receiving Emails
In your Account Settings, there's an option to manage email notifications
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