As you use Knowledgehook year after year, you will begin accumulating more classes in your account. While you can't "delete" a class, you can archive them to hide them from view (but you can still access them later if needed).
Archive a Class
From the class listing, click on the menu icon on the bottom right corner of the class you wish to archive, and select Archive Class.
It will be removed from this list, but will be hidden behind the Show Archived Classes link on this page.
Simply click that link to show your archived classes. You can click inside a class to view it, or press the Un-archive button to restore it back to your class list.
As you archive classes, your newer class will move up numbers. If you archive the other two classes that are currently expired, your new class will become Class 1. Then your new class for this school year will be the only class listed on the page.
If you would like to disconnect your students from your own archive account, you just need to remove the students from that class.
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