You can now create student accounts with Passwords instead of having them register themselves. This is helpful for younger students and can speed up the time it takes to get started.
How to Create Accounts
(1) Go to the Students page and press Add Student
(2) Select I'll create accounts for my students
(3) Enter the student names and press Add to add them to the list. Press Create Accounts to actually create them. If you want pre-generated passwords make sure the Generate Password box is checked.
When creating your new class, if you accidentally pressed create accounts before clicking on the generate passwords feature, there is no way to add the generated password after the accounts are created. We recommend archiving the class and starting over.
(4) You'll see the student instructions which are similar to before. They still enter a class code, except now on the first login, they will select their name from the list, and choose a password.
(5) On the next page you will have the chance to download PDF instructions. We recommend printing this out for your students so they have a record of the Class Code and can easily log in from home with their username and password. Class codes are system generated and cannot be changed.
Password List
If your students have changed their passwords, were created manually or you have reset the password for them, the students password will not show up when you download the password lit. Only those that are the original generated passwords will appear on the list. If you did not choose to generate passwords for your Class, so all students would choose their own password on log in and you would not have a record of those passwords.
Is it possible to move students from a previous class to a new class or between classes?
We do not have any feature to move/transfer students from one class to another. The students would start fresh in a new class. You would need to remove the students you didn't want to the first class and add them to the second class.
Please note that Usernames are automatically generated and cannot be changed by the teacher. If by chance a username is incorrect, offensive or banned please email to correct.
Student Removed From Class
A student can remove themselves from a classroom by deleting their own account. To prevent this from happening by accident, they had to go through two confirmations in their account to self delete. If they do they self delete, all data, which makes the account is unrecoverable as all information is wiped from the account. There is nothing we can to to recover the students account as it is hard delete by the owner of the account and thus purged from the system for user privacy.
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