Missions are self-paced question sets (activities) that allow you to differentiate activities to specific students and that allows students to work at their own pace. They are very good any time you have students working at different pacing, times, or locations (ie. homework, class/station activities, differentiated practice). Missions can only be assigned with a ClassOS Pro class.
Choosing Content To Assign
To assign content, go to the Activities page from the main menu. It will automatically take you to the Featured tab .
You can use content as it is or Make a Copy that you can edit and customize.
Assigning a Mission
Once you've found the Activity you want to use for the Mission, you can assign it with only a few clicks.
Simply press the Select button. You'll see a drop down menu, choose Assign Mission. This will prompt a pop-up:
Give the Mission a Name, use the date picker to set the Due Date, and you're done!
It will appear in the Reports page.
Custom Activities
To make your Activity from scratch, read Creating a Custom Activity from Scratch.
Advanced Settings
If you press Advanced Settings, you can further customize the mission by setting a future start date, or assigning to individual students. You have to press the Advanced Settings link to expose these options:
To keep the Mission hidden until a future date, set a Start Date in the future. Students won't see it until that morning.
To assign to individuals, click Assigned to Individuals. It will expand a list of existing students.
Then click the Launch button (or Save and Exit if it was already launched).
That's it!
Please note that we do not offer the ability to print out missions as our website is based online.
Please note that when you register with Knowledgehook, you will see a sample mission to show you how reports work, and the Assess Prior Knowledge mission, which you clicked yes to assign when you created your class.
Please note that we do not have any notifiers on the activity as to what grade level it is so that the students do not know if they are working on an assignment that might be at a lower grade level then what they are at. The title of the Mission can be seen by both the teacher and the students so it does not include the grade
How do I get rid of a question that I have already assigned in the Assess Prior Knowledge mission?
Once a Mission is launched, it can't be changed. You would have to un-launch the Mission, edit the activity and launch a new Mission with the edited version.
How do I know which activities have been assigned so that I do not assign them more than once?
When you're on your Activities page, any Activities you have already assigned will have a Rocket Ship icon on them. If you are using Chrome, sometimes Chrome blocks these icons and we do not know why. If you use a different browser, you will see the icons.
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