In this article, we'll show you how to create a copy of a Curriculum Activity and add to a whole Activity to your own custom Activity.
So for our first example, let's take an Activity from the pre-made material in Grade 9 Academic and let's create a copy that we can edit and manipulate to our heart's content.
When looking at the Activity, click the Make a Copy button.

A popup box will appearing, asking us to name this new clone of ours. Then click Continue.

NOTE: The other option is to Create a Custom Activity and then use the Add to Existing Activity option:

Now we can edit and change the questions as we wish or add and remove questions as we see fit.

And that's it! But before we finish, let's also see how that process goes with single questions. Note that these options are available on all Activities, not just pre-made content.
1. So first, again from any of the Activities, click on the "Select" button to look at all the individual questions of a Activity. I've done this from another custom Activity on my list.

2. Now, find a question you want to add to your custom Activity and click the Plus button in the top right corner of the question.

3. This menu will list all of your custom Activities on our account. So just select the Activity you want to add it to.

4. Now if we navigate to our custom Activity, we'll see that all 13 of the questions we added (12 from the first Activity, 1 from the second) are accounted for!

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