Knowledgehook ClassOS Pro focuses on helping teachers use their formative assessments to identify and close gaps that their students have or develop throughout the year.
Here's a summary of what is included:
- Assigning Missions
- Creating Custom Activities
- Focus Area-Identification
- Gap Closing/Remediation Resources
- Enhanced Reporting Features
- The Impact Challenge
- Mathalon Rewards Available For Purchase
Types of Gap Closing/ Remediation Documents
Enhanced Reporting Features
Top Gap Areas Triggered:
On the main reports page , you can now see where the main Focus Areas of concern. These are sorted based on total students triggering gaps in those specific areas. Clicking View All will take you to your student Focus Area page.
Quick Summary (Individual Reports) :
This feature allows you too quickly see where students are performing based on the questions in the specific activity. We group students based on percentages scored.
You can click on each of the coloured boxes to see which students are performing where .
This allows for easy grouping for targeted differentiated instruction.
Download Results:
You can now Download Results form both GameShows and Missions . This will download as an Excel Spreadsheet.
The Impact Challenge
The Mathalon, like a Marathon, is all about perseverance and completion. We created the Mathalon to help teachers and principals create a culture and celebration around doing math and to help students by creating a milestone moment that reminds them that "I can do math".
Teachers can purchase real medals from the Knowledgehook Shop to celebrate the Full Mathalon achievement. You can also use the 3D Augmented Reality badges and trophies to celebrate.
Here's how it works:
As students earn stars they move towards completing the Knowledgehook Mathalon.
The number of stars needed to complete the Mathalon is different for each grade but students can see their progress by going to the dropdown in the top right corner of their screen and clicking on "Mathalon"
There are two milestone moments in the Mathalon.
- Half Mathalon - earning half the stars of the full Mathalon.
- Full Mathalon - earning all of the stars for the full Mathalon.
So many teachers and schools have used the Mathalon to elevate math to the level of sports and other celebrated activities in the school.
ClassOS Pro is available for school or district purchases. To get pricing, contact For teacher subscription visit
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