In Knowledgehook, after teachers have started assigning assessments and potential gaps start getting identified in the system, teachers are encouraged to complete the Impact Challenge.
The Impact Challenge is a teacher inquiry and knowledge building cycle that is centred on the needs of students in their classroom. As teachers build on their professional expertise in areas of student need, over time, you can expect to see math outcomes improve - all else being equal.
The Knowledgehook Continuous Improvement Certification (CIC) is a way of leveraging the Impact Challenge to support and monitor school improvement planning goals.
The CIC lets you set an appropriate goal for you school on the number of teachers who you'd like to see complete an Impact Challenge and will automatically track progress against that goal.
Let's look at the School Dashboard to see how it all works:
When you arrive at school Dashboard you will be asked to "Activate Certification"
Once you activate the certification, you will be asked to set a goal for the number of teachers who you would like to see complete the Impact Challenge.
(Image coming soon!)
Once you have set the goal you are return to the stats screen.
On the stats screen, in the Certification section, you will see a progress bar with 3 levels of certification. 1 star is achieved when 60% of all goal teachers complete the Impact Challenge (or other Teacher Inquiry cycle, since you can manually add teachers who have completed an inquiry cycle outside of Knowledgehook), 2 stars is achieved when 80% of teacher complete an inquiry cycle and 3 stars is when 100% have completed an inquiry cycle. All of this is automatically tracked for you if your teachers are using Knowledgehook.
Clicking on "View More" allows you to see what teachers have completed an Impact Challenge and what topics they selected. It also allows you to manually add teachers who have completed a teacher inquiry and knowledge building cycle outside of Knowledgehook.
Earning the certification means you have set up a process that encourages formative assessment and a process for inquiry and knowledge building based on student needs. Best of all all the tracking and resources are done automatically when you use Knowledgehook. Nothing is stopping you from doing it again!
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